Are You Too Young for a Hair Transplant?

By Published On: August 4th, 2022
too young for hair transplant

Male pattern baldness – also known as androgenic alopecia – is a genetic condition that can affect men and women. In men, this hair loss can start as early as their teens or early twenties, which can be a powerful blow to a person’s self-image. Just imagine being a 20-year-old with hair loss.

As a result, some young people are already considering hair transplants and other techniques. Fortunately, times have changed, and technology has advanced significantly!

Can You Be Too Young for a Hair Transplant?

There is no legal age limit on getting hair transplant surgery, though when the patient is young, certain considerations must be taken to ensure the best long-term results.

Since many men younger than age 25 exhibit male pattern baldness, this comes up frequently—about 16 percent of men between 18 and 29 experience male pattern baldness. Therefore, before treatment begins, it is especially important to diagnose the type and cause of hair loss to help predict the future balding patterns it will cause. However, making predictions for younger patients is challenging even with this knowledge.

hair transplant too young

Hair loss can be progressive, which is critical to consider to achieve long-term satisfaction when treating younger patients. The International Society of Hair Restoration Surgery (ISHRS) offers guidelines for ethical considerations when treating younger patients. For example, it’s best if the doctor has a good sense of the hair loss progression to provide the best possible options for a young person suffering from hair loss. The possibility of knowing this will vary by patient.

Are Hair Transplants Worth It?

Hair transplant surgery can be a good option for people suffering from hair thinning and/or loss. When aligned with the right types of hair loss, ARTAS® Robotic Hair Restoration procedures offer a permanent solution for those suffering hair loss. In addition, for patients who are good candidates for hair restoration surgery, it can help restore fullness and boost self-confidence.

Hair transplant technology has changed so much that now we see features and coverage in fashion publications like GQ Magazine. The change in technology and surgical techniques produce a much better result than the unsightly hair plugs and scars of the ‘ 80s and ‘ 90s. In fact, the National Library of Medicine notes that 94% of the patients were satisfied with their results one year after having hair transplant procedures. Additionally, non-surgical solutions such as medications, injectables, supplements, laser caps, and more are available.

Suffering From Hair Loss? We’re Here To Help

Austin Hair Restoration Clinic has answers if you have questions about early-life hair loss and what to do about it. We can develop a treatment plan for patients who had hair transplants too young and treat any unpleasant results stemming from them. Our team has extensive experience with cutting-edge hair restoration techniques, including the minimally invasive ARTAS Robotic FUE Hair Transplant procedure. As a result, we can find the right solution for you.

Don’t let hair loss put a crimp in your style. Instead, contact us today for a free consultation, and let’s take steps toward a more confident you!

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