Matthew McConaughey Discusses Hair Restoration

It’s no secret that celebrities have high-end doctors, nutritionists, personal trainers, plastic surgeons, and more at their disposal. That’s why people were initially willing to believe a story that ran about a Beverly Hills doctor who claimed to have given Texas native Matthew McConaughey hair plugs. However, McConaughey cleared up the initial story and went on to talk about how he got thicker and fuller hair without surgical intervention by a doctor.
While we certainly believe Matthew McConaughey’s story about how he managed to stimulate hair growth on his scalp and seemingly avoid increased hair loss – that doesn’t necessarily mean what he did could be easily replicated. After all – as mentioned above – celebrities of his stature have the money and high profile to access high-end medications and professionals.
So, could someone else realistically replicate McConaughey’s hair growth strategy?
What Steps Did Matthew McConaughey Take To Regrow His Hair?
According to Matthew McConaughey, he had gotten to a point where he had a noticeable bald spot and felt he was at serious risk of losing his hair. Shortly after realizing the bald spot had grown to about the size of a baseball, McConaughey shaved his head and went on to use Regenix hair products.
He claims that he uses the product for about ten minutes a day and has been utilizing it for nearly twenty years. While we don’t have the exact timeline on how fast his bald spot disappeared, we can’t argue with the results.
Would Matthew McConaughey’s Hair Regrowth Strategy Work For Me?
Everyone’s scalp is different, and some treatments will work better for some people than others. With that said, while it’s great for Matthew McConaughey that Regenix gave him a fuller head of hair, those results are not typical. Regenix is only recommended for thinning hair, not for people who are already bald or balding to the point of having a bald spot the size of a baseball.
And while the products are suitable for just about anyone experiencing hair thinning (as there are no known negative side effects), doctors don’t recommend Regenix products. That’s not to say doctors are actively discouraging use – but it’s important to note this for potential customers. Another hurdle is the cost; the products can get expensive.
Austin Hair Restoration Clinic Offers Multiple, Reliable Options To Restore Your Hair.
While we can’t all be celebrities, many of us can have a nice head of hair -just as good as any celebrity. If you’re experiencing premature hair loss and are worried about your hair growing back, Austin Hair Restoration Clinic can help.
We offer a variety of non-surgical options (some similar to what Matthew McConaughey used). We also offer the ARTAS® Robot Hair Transplant System, a minimally invasive surgical hair restoration option that will barely impact your schedule. The procedure produces exceptional results and will allow you to return to daily life in just a few days. So contact us today and let the experts at Austin Hair Restoration Clinic advise you on the best options for restoring your hair!
Dr. Sanjeev Dubey is an experienced hair restoration and emergency medicine physician in Austin, Texas. He holds a medical degree from the University of Texas Medical Branch (UTMB) and has been practicing medicine for over two decades. His affiliations include Seton Medical Center Austin, Seton Northwest, and various local hospitals.